Yoga Therapy & Classes

200 Hour Teacher Certification Program

with Joanne

MARCH 2024 – OCTOBER 2024

Become a Certified Yoga Instructor

Our 200 Hour Teacher Certification Program is for students who wish to teach Yoga or for dedicated students who wish to deepen their practice and understanding of Yoga. The program consists of 8 weekends (Friday night, Saturday & Sunday). The course spans eight months from March 2024 to October 2024.

Jana’s Assisted Thai Yoga

with Jana Davis

What is Thai Massage?

Also known as yoga massage, assisted yoga, ancient massage, and assorted other names, Thai massage respects the body’s limits, while encouraging clients to reach their edge of flexibility, but never beyond. Thai massage incorporates acupressure, massage, and passive-assisted stretching, where therapists help clients move into their stretch.

The work is purposely slow as the therapist guides clients through the movements, being ever mindful of their physical limitations. Some say the combination of movements and focused awareness during a Thai massage session creates what looks like a slow, flowing dance between practitioner and client.

Schedule your session today by calling
(919) 671-9333

Yoga Therapeutics

with Joanne

Schedule 60 minute Private Appointment
Address Your Personal Needs & Goals

Schedule your session today by calling
(919) 614-5945

Yoga Therapy can help people who are dealing with stress and disease or those who simply want to increase their sense of health and well-being. Yoga Therapy is designed to address your individual needs and your personal goals. The yogic techniques utilized can range from restorative yoga poses to more active poses, breathing techniques, meditations, affirmations, and visualization practices.

Yoga teaches us how to regulate the nervous system and affects the way our brains process information which leads to a powerful reduction of stress in our everyday lives. Yoga is a holistic approach to health that considers the mind-body connection. The Yoga Therapist works with you to discover your body’s innate power to create physical, mental and emotional balance in your life.

Level 1 Yoga

Level 1 Yoga is an intermediate alignment-based yoga class and focuses on proper body alignment. It typically includes standing poses, seated poses, and gentle backends, emphasizing correct posture and alignment. The instructor provides clear cues to help students align their bodies correctly, fostering awareness and relaxation. This class is great for improving flexibility and reducing tension. Joanne utilizes the yoga wall which uses specialized wall mounted equipment to enhance your yoga practice. You can expect support, alignment, deep stretching, inversion exploring, and strength building on the yoga wall.
Breathing techniques are taught, such as Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breath) which brings clarity, calmness, and balance and Viloma 2 (extended exhalation) which induces the relaxation response.
An introduction to yoga philosophy provides a transformative path to self-discovery, where you can align your mind, body, and spirit. You will experience serenity and balance with our heart-centered yoga practices. Learn to cultivate love and compassion, both for yourself and others. This class typically covers fundamental concepts such as, the mind-body connection, self-awareness, mindfulness, and personal and social ethics promoting well-being and personal growth.

Level 2 Yoga

Level 2 Yoga is an advanced alignment-based yoga class and is designed for experienced practitioners who have a strong foundation in yoga asanas. It incorporates challenging poses and sequences, such as Arm Balances, Inversions, and Advanced Backbends, while emphasizing precise alignment. Students are expected to have a deeper understanding of their bodies and how to align themselves in complex postures. The instructor may provide detailed cues and adjustments to help students refine their alignment, enhance strength and flexibility, and deepen their practice. This class often involves a more rigorous and demanding physical practice. Joanne utilizes the yoga wall which uses specialized wall mounted equipment to enhance your yoga practice. You can expect support, alignment, deep stretching, inversion exploring, and strength building on the yoga wall.
You will practice pranayama (breathing techniques) which include Nadi Shodhana, Viloma 1 & 2, and Bhastrika.
An introduction to yoga philosophy provides a transformative path to self-discovery, where you can align your mind, body, and spirit. You will experience serenity and balance with our heart-centered yoga practices. Learn to cultivate love and compassion, both for yourself and others. This class typically covers fundamental concepts such as, the mind-body connection, self-awareness, mindfulness, and personal and social ethics promoting well-being and personal growth.

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga class is perfect for beginners, those with limitations, or those seeking a slow pace. It prioritizes a nurturing and accessible practice. This class includes standing poses, seated poses, and twists that are easy on the joints and muscles. The instructor encourages the use of props like blocks, straps, and bolsters to assist with poses and to make them more comfortable. The instructor also provides variations and modifications to accommodate individual needs. The class moves at a leisurely pace, allowing participants to focus on their breath, body, and safety. Breathwork and relaxation techniques are integrated to reduce stress and increase mindfulness. The instructor offers clear and gentle guidance on alignment and encourages the students to listen to their bodies, respecting their limitations and needs. The class concludes with relaxation (savasana) to enhance the sense of well-being and tranquility. It is accessible to people of various abilities and fitness levels. This yoga class will help you build a strong foundation, improve your flexibility, and manage your stress in a safe and nurturing environment.

Easy Flow Yoga

Easy Flow Yoga class is a beginner-friendly Vinyasa-style class. This class includes basic standing poses woven together with smooth and unhurried gentle transitions between poses, allowing students to focus on alignment and breath. There is an emphasis on coordinating breath with movement to enhance mindfulness and relaxation. The instructor provides clear cues to ensure proper form and safety. Options for modifications and the use of props are offered to accommodate different levels of flexibility and strength. The structure of the class includes a gentle warm-up at the beginning, followed by an easy Vinyasa flow, and ending with a soothing cool-down and relaxation/Savasana.

Meditation and gentle breathing practices are incorporated to create a holistic and mindful practice. It encourages students to be fully present in their practice, promoting physical and mental well-being, and enhancing the overall yoga experience.

This type of class is perfect for beginners looking to explore the dynamic nature of Vinyasa yoga while maintaining a manageable and accessible pace. It helps build strength, flexibility, and a connection between breath and movement.

Go With The Flow Yoga

Go with the Flow means being flexible and open to change, accepting the current circumstances without resistance, allowing life to unfold naturally, and making the best of whatever comes your way. In this adaptive class sometimes you will flow, sometimes restore, sometimes utilize long held poses, and sometimes go to the yoga wall. Immerse yourself in the fluidity of movement and breath with a flow style class. Find rejuvenation in the gentle practice of a restorative style class. Discover precision by refining your poses, enhancing body awareness, and preventing injury with an alignment style class. The yoga wall utilizes specialized wall mounted equipment to enhance your yoga practice. You can expect support, alignment, deep stretching, inversion exploring, and strength building on the yoga wall.

Revive & Restore

1/2 Flow, 1/2 Hour Restore

Revive and Restore is a unique hybrid class where the first half focuses on reviving your energy and invigorating your body. It includes dynamic postures, flowing sequences, and active breathwork to awaken your muscles and increase your heart rate. This phase aims to build strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.

In the second half of the class, you will transition into a restoring practice, where you engage in gentle stretches, deep relaxation, and soothing breathing practices. This phase allows you to release tension, promote deep relaxation, and enhance mental clarity. Supported poses with props like bolsters and blankets will be used to encourage passive stretching and a sense of inner peace.

The combination of these two aspects creates a harmonious balance between the revitalizing and calming effects of yoga, leaving you refreshed, centered, and rejuvenated.

Align & Flow

Align and Flow is a yoga class based on the Universal Principles of Alignment which places a strong emphasis on alignment, heart-centered philosophy, and the celebration of the intrinsic goodness in all beings. This class is founded on the belief that each person’s heart and inner beauty are the keys to finding balance and joy in their practice. Each class begins with a brief centering and intention-setting to create a heart centered focus. Throughout the class you will explore the Universal Principles of Alignment which include the three A’s: Attitude, Alignment, and Action. These principles guide us in aligning our bodies in a way that supports our heart’s natural wisdom. You will experience a blend of dynamic poses that emphasize proper alignment and mindful awareness. The instructor will provide clear and supportive cues to help you refine your poses, find stability, and prevent injury. Props may be used to assist you in achieving optimal alignment and safety. The heart of this practice lies in its philosophy, promoting an attitude of opening to grace, allowing us to connect with our true essence and the divine within. By the end of this class, you will not only have worked on physical alignment but also experienced the transformative power of aligning your heart and spirit with your practice. You will leave with a deeper connection to yourself and a heart full of gratitude and love.

Slow Flow Yoga

Slow Flow Yoga class typically involves a dynamic sequence of postures coordinated with breath. Expect a combination of standing, balancing, and seated poses, with smooth transitions. The emphasis is on accessible postures, fostering a sense of ease and relaxation. Expect a slower pace allowing time for mindfulness and connection to breath. Gentle inversions and backbends might be incorporated, challenging practitioners to deepen their practice. The class requires strength, flexibility, and focus but adjustments and variations are offered to cater to varying levels of proficiency. Meditation and breath awareness are integrated, creating a calming atmosphere. The class may end with an extended relaxation or guided meditation to promote a peaceful state of mind.

Gift Cards

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